What is Next?

How about Internet of things?.. Then I remember Las Vegas..  I went Las Vegas to meet Google Glass explorer whom met face to face in Istanbul.  Story begins like this; Google Glass came in Istanbul and of course I went to see it. I met the explorer girl and wore the glass that night. Sorry I…

What is next?

I am listening a podcast now.. and it says artificial intelligence and augmented reality is the future..  May be the change will be on how social platforms now.. I used second life once, it has artificial intelligence and augmented reality on it. People are living their lives over there. I met a  musician who were…

R- Giriş devamı

https://oyasanli.com/oyasblog/2018/11/09/r-giris/Başlarken bazı taşlar yerine oturmamıştı.. Sanırım artık daha hakimim.. Gerçekleştirdiğim projeyi de ekleyeceğim. Şimdilik projenin İngilizce versiyonunun videosunu hazırlıyorum.İlerlemek için benim açımdan gerekli olan gerçek hayatla bağlantılı bir proje – Covid19 grafikleri gibi- ve öğrenmeye devam edebileceğim kaynaklar gerekli.Gerçek proje olunca öğrenme daha anlamlı ve daha kalıcı oluyor. Kaynaklara gelince ben internet üzerinde bir sürü…

What is next?

I’m using internet since 1989. A Turkish bank brought its monitor which was connected to internet so we were able to track our accounts. So I used internet maily for business purposes. And then since 2007 I’m using social platforms aka Facebook. Then twitter was on the scene.I had great time at twitter, met many…


I’m working in IT more than 30 years, more than half of my life for now. As we all faced after Windows 95 almost all software has bugs in it, and security become an issue when many connected to internet around end of 19’s. As I began my working life as a programmer then studied…

A hat

I like to wear hat in winter and in summer. Nowadays, I have a brown one with a same color flower at one side. I bought it from Macy’s at Sunnyvale, Ca. When I first wore it on streets at Sunnyvale people were looking at me with a smile, so It is an awesome hat!…

Bilgi yönetimi neden önemli?

Sanırım önce bilgi nedir ile başlamak lazım, bu konuda çok çeşitli görüşler var tabii. Felsefe açısından bakıldığında; ‘Bilgi, çoğu zaman bilen özne ile bilinen nesne arasında kurulan ilişki sonucunda ortaya çıkan ürün olarak tanımlanır. Bu tanımlamada geçen özne, aktif bir tavır sergileyen insan; nesne ise öznenin yöneldiği pasif durumdaki varlıktır.’. David Pears, Bilgi nedir? (What…

On the metro..

Today there were many people were with chewing gum in their mouth. May be it is Sunday that is why.. now I am going to Bosphorous again to Rumeli Castle. It is open only weekends. Rumeli Castle. People with families are moving around today. Just now, a young woman is sitting in front of me…