My new words
Only much later did men encase their legs in a single bifurcated garment, trousers. For women the legs were enveloped in long skirts, with no bifurcated garment of any kind worn until the mid nineteenth century. The gender division of dress was thus much more pronounced than in Near Eastern dress, with garments of entirely…
Joy of Art – April 2016
Joy of Art – April 2016 2
My new words
An intention to answer one question evoke another, which was not only superfluous but actually detrimental to the main task. superfluous: unnecessary, especially through being more than enough. detrimental: tending to cause harm. In Turkish: detrimental :zararlı superfluous: gereğinden fazla, fazla, bol bol Bir soruyu cevaplama niyeti sadece fazla değil ama ana görev için zararlı…
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