Talking loud

When I was in a bus towards Palo Alto this morning there was a man who was talking loud. First I thought he was talking to some one. Then I realized he was talking to air. At first stop he got out. And a woman saying ‘I am nervous because he is talking a loud’…

My new words

The tendency to like (or dislike) everything about a person including things you have not observed – is known as the halo effect. You meet a woman named Joan at a party and find her personable and easy to talk to. Now her name comes up as someone who could be asked to contribute to…

Acting – #eveningthoughts –

While I was coming back home, at red light in the bus I just saw a man with a cigarette in his hand. He was like showing the cigarette to someone, but I realized actually he was talking to it. I still wonder what he was saying. I watched him for a while, he kept…

#w8:30tr Chard leaf dolma and pasta

I just cooked pasta, so let me begin with it under #w830tr.   Ingredients; 250 gr pasta 1 glass of milk 2 eggs 3 tablespoonful of yogurt 3 slices of feta cheese 4 slices of cheese  1 tablespoon of olive oil 500 lt water In a pot put one tablespoon of olive oil and add…

#eveningthoughts Feb 27, 2014

I’m interesting in social media lately. I’m trying to understand what is going on. It is very complex and there are many misunderstandings going on. And it is not about all sharing, but also using. Anyway, my intentions are not misunderstandings here. I could not find any rule, any dos and donts, even many talks…