Today after dropping my son at the Metro station, I went to marina to have dinner and to do some food shopping.
I first parked my car at open area close to the market. The security at the open park told me I can park free only for an hour over there. So, I decided to do shopping first. Then I parked at close area where parking is free for three hours. Then I went up to have dinner. I did not want to stay inside, I sat outside at one of the coffees and orders chicken schnitzel with coke. hehe:) while waiting the waiter I took the photo on the left with mobile and while waiting my dinner I posted!! I was planing to have desert too. But I was not happy with schnitzel, it was over fried:/ So I said to myself why not have desert at sea side.
So I went down to seaside and saw the moon.. Right away took a photo..Again I sat outside and there was a young couple were sitting in front of me, and a group of boys behind me. This time ordered coffee and cheese cake.
Before coffee and cake served the young couple left. I kept taking photos even I had not enough batteries left.
Place was crowded inside and outside. There were no empty tables outside. hehe:) smokers mainly. There was an ashtray on my table too and it was full of finished cigarettes. I moved it away from me.
Here was my order! I loved it! A heart cheese cake 🙂 Mean time four girls came ant sat in front of me. they asked for some shawl. And they also began to take photos:) they took the moon photo too, many times:) and selfies too!! then I saw that one of them was signing in foursquare. I said to myself why shouldn’t I check in at foursquare too, and I did too:)) Then I smiled to myself, I guess all girl like that!! hahaha:) Boys were still talking at my back.
Here girls were taking selfies together too:) and then posting of course 🙂 I kept smiling and having my coffee. I think we women are using phone more efficiently then men.
I decided to write about it then. May be my photos are not so clear as they should be. But I’m happy to take photos and share them. I will test to print them and see the result.
Tomorrow I will go to near to a small lake close to me with some friends. We are planing to have Turkish coffee together. hehe:) most probably we will take selfies together again 🙂
There were another coffee I believe far away where lights were lining.. Zooming did not
happen correctly, so here was the result on the left.
I paid and left the place..
We women are using mobiles more efficiently I believe. we just arranged tomorrow’s meeting:)
Have a nice evening..
Oya Şanlı
@oyasan (March 16,2014)
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