I’m using internet since 1989. A Turkish bank brought its monitor which was connected to internet so we were able to track our accounts. So I used internet maily for business purposes. And then since 2007 I’m using social platforms aka Facebook. Then twitter was on the scene.I had great time at twitter, met many people. I have several accounts at twitter. Cloud computing bloomed up at that time. And I was aware of Eucalyptus then CloudCamp. I became organizer 🙂 Managed to deliver a few CloudCamp events in Istanbul and in Ankara. I tried to install Ubuntu cloud which was related to Eucalyptus at that time. I was not successful since my machines were not supported. I learned many things and then prepared a lecture, and delivered at Kadir Has University. Meantime there was G+.. I had great time over there, met some people. And I learned many things about myself and people. I figured about 50 reasons behind the Plus One. It meant lots of things.. Have you realise the new care button at Facebook?
Human beings are really interesting on social platforms. I don’t know if I fed up or not, but I don’t get the same feeling out of it now. I become some how boring at Facebook. Is it because me or something else I don’t know. But people started to hide behind “stories” part over there. I post same photo at my photography page, on my stream and at stories. I have about 30-40 people at stories and none at my stream and a few on my page. I’m trying to figure it out why?
As I see from posts I think Zoom is popular now. I’m not after video chats any more. Hangout was great. I even prepared some training videos with it. I installed Zoom today on my phone, but I saw it is all about video connection. I’m not sure if I keep using it. I don’t like the room idea. My family does not use video connection any more. I call mom from Whatsapp once in a while, since we booth are in Istanbul now. She used Messenger previously and we were talking through when I was in US.
I prepared R workshop videos with CBS Studio which I found out about it at YouTube. It is a YouTube software and able to catch the screen. I guess I feel more private 🙂
With Covid19 now I think internet is more and more in our lives. And I use mobile more.. Many are working from home, so connection numbers are getting high. I wonder what if cloud computing was not around? It may not be easy to work from home. I also wonder what will be the next?
Using Pluspora I thought federation type of network may be?.. but I changed my mind. Because, it is not easy to run own server, in any aspects it is hard, technically and socially. I don’t want to run my own.. even I’m capable of it. It is really a big responsibility.
So what is next? I think it should be something beyond cloud computing. I have so little idea about it, quantum computing? I don’t know, I know IBM and a few company are working on it..
Anyway, I keep experimenting with R.. I would like to work on analysis and on databases. I think it will be easier for me, since I’m also studying geographical information systems as second degree. I think location is also becoming important.. I will try to combine both. So I can do geographical analysis with R 🙂 hopefully..
Bye for now..
©Oya Şanlı, May 13 2020