My new words

arbitrary: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. rationing: allow each person to have only a fixed amount of (a particular commodity). ploy: a cunning plan or action designed to turn a situation to one’s own advantage.     Anchoring effects explain why, for example, arbitrary rationing is an effective marketing ploy.…

My new words

Only much later did men encase their legs in a single bifurcated garment, trousers. For women the legs were enveloped in long skirts, with no bifurcated garment of any kind worn until the mid nineteenth century. The gender division of dress was thus much more pronounced than in Near Eastern dress, with garments of entirely…

My new words

An intention to answer one question evoke another, which was not only superfluous but actually detrimental to the main task. superfluous: unnecessary, especially through being more than enough. detrimental: tending to cause harm. In Turkish: detrimental :zararlı superfluous: gereğinden fazla, fazla, bol bol Bir soruyu cevaplama niyeti sadece fazla değil ama ana görev için zararlı…

My new words

The tendency to like (or dislike) everything about a person including things you have not observed – is known as the halo effect. You meet a woman named Joan at a party and find her personable and easy to talk to. Now her name comes up as someone who could be asked to contribute to…

My new words

    Stifle – restrain (a reaction) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion). Stamina – the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort.   In a typical demonstration, participants who are instructed to stifle their emotional reaction to an emotionally charged film will later perform poorly on a test of physical stamina –…

My new words

Fin: a flattened appendage on various parts of the body of many aquatic vertebrates and some invertebrates, including fish and cetaceans, used for propelling, steering, and balancing. To resist the illusion, there is only one thing you can do: you must learn to mistrust your impressions of the length of lines when fins are attached to them.…

My new words

Agony – extreme physical or mental suffering. shuttering – close the shutters of (a window or building). As someone who has felt, first-hand, the agony of shuttering the doors of his startup, I feel Paul’s pain. But I want to focus on what Branson, a self-made billionaire, who is more often right than wrong, said about ride-sharing…

My new words

Discern – perceive or recognize (something). Rotting – decompose Gazelle – a small slender antelope that typically has curved horns and a yellowish-brown coat with white underparts, found in open country in Africa and Asia. Carcass – the dead body of an animal. Ability to discern the feelings of others also protected us in a very specific way: ‘your…

My new words

Evolve – develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form. Amid – surrounded by; in the middle of. Gradual – taking place or progressing slowly or by degrees. Abrupt – sudden and unexpected. We humans evolved to survive amid the gradual, predictable changes of the natural world, but now our livelihoods are threatened by abrupt, unpredictable…

My new words

Scorn – feel or express contempt or derision for, despise Insurgency – rebellion, riot It sounds as if smart, highly educated people will be scorned in the coming economy – but that is not necessarily the case. Success will come through ‘recognizing the physical, cognitive, and social influences on a civilian population targeted by an insurgency’. In…