I am on the way of the zoo. I missed bus and walked to Sunnyvale Caltrain station about half an hour from home and now waiting for train, and having coffee at Bean scene coffee on Historic Murphy Avenue which reminded me Murphy rules and made me smile. I need to leave in five minutes.. I had tiramisu, hmmm.. I did not like it much.
So as you may guess today is somehow a writing day.
Sun shine makes my eyes dry and causes some allergic reactions. So my eyes are watery and my nose is runny result of it. I am wearing sun glasses to prevent allergy and using the medicine I brought from Turkey. Anyway I still look like crying ;)))
I am riding on Caltrain now from Sunnyvale. When I see bicycles and wheelchairs in train I love the way people who think to ease their life. Instead we Turkish people most of the time make harden our way of life. As a community we do not help each other this way.
I believe trying to copy down Silicon Valley in Turkey we first need to change our way of living.
At Millbrae Station I took BART. I had some problems with my ticket though.. Turnstile did not give my ticket back! I did put money for return too 🙁 and I took the receipt too. There were no one at the office of the station. So I took the train and got out at Glen Park. There were some women in the station office’ and I told them what happened. Obviously I did not get my money back! they wanted me to return back and find the responsible people to check if I was telling truth! And I learned that for cash those machines are not giving back any receipt. So next time when I use BART I will use credit card! definitely!
Meh! I took a bus at the corner towards zoo.
I saw very nice houses on the way.
I reached the Zoo. At the entrance they were checking on IDs. I showed my passport and had been told to buy a ticket to get in, since zoo was free just for SF residents. So went to boot. Teller first said $8 then after seeing my passport raised to $19. So I did not get in.
I walked back towards the bus stop. Thinking what to do while checking on the map. I saw that I was close to Merced Lake. So I decided to go there.
At the entrance towards Sunset Boulevard in a parking lot off Lake Merced Boulevard there were a statue.
This equestrian statue of Captain Juan Bautista de Anza, founder of the City San Francisco. A plaque, in both Spanish and English, on the statue base reads:
As a high tribute to an illustrious historical figure born in Sonora, founder of the City of San Francisco and with the purpose of strengthening the friendly ties between the peoples of Mexico and of the United States, the state of Sonora of the Republic of Mexico presents this statue to the City of San Francisco this month of August of 1967, at which time Lic. Luis Encinas was governor
of Sonora, the Honorable Ronald Reagan Governor of California and the Honorable John F. Shelly mayor of the City of San Francisco.
And photos of the lake:
That was a good decision so far. I walked on grass took beautiful photos of the lake. I eat fish & chips which I did not like, all were over cooked, french fries were almost dark brown, and I tasted burnt oil on fish. Anyway view was beautiful.
I saw some people were practicing golf..
I did not use BART while returning back. I took bus 29 then M towards downtown and bus 30 to Caltrain station at San Francisco. I was back home before it get dark..
Some more information about park : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Merced
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