Bodrum is some special place for me.. I always had great time over there. And I always remember my father. He was dead in 2003.
Here you can listen some Turkish music while reading; Bodrum Bodrum
I think what he did with his friends is awesome.. and it is a lesson of friendship.
My father was a mechanical engineer (msc). After his graduation he kept seeing his friends time to time. They were all together 1954 graduates.. I’m not sure about the year, but if I’m not wrong it was around 1980’s they all together they decided to build an hotel at Karaincir,Bodrum. So the hotel name was MEDIS – Makine Ellidört İsletmelesi 🙂 (Mechanical fiftyfour) They said that they are getting older and they want to be together and have fun. So my father had some shares too. Everybody was entitle to have vacation with paying small amount depending on the shares holds on hand. And they were scheduling the time. So every year my father was with different friends and was having lots of fun. And we were too of course..
They did not cut one tree while construction. Therefore there was a tree in the mid of the hotel:)
We went there almost every year. My son had lots of fun there too. As I remember we began to go there when my son was about 3 years of age. My son is now 27, and I sold my shares in 2003.. So about 14 years or so we went there:)
I love the sea of Karaincir, cold and beautiful.. hehe:) there is a cold stream.. so it is the coldest part of Bodrum. Water is clear and beautiful. I took boat tours many time. May be I will again this time. And I will have opportunity to take many photos:)
I will go there at the end of the month. Well this is first time for this season..
I would like to have fun and take many photos.. hehe:) with many devices!!
Well, since we are going with airplane I want to carry my laptop too :)) Hmm.. I need to transfer a lot to external disk and prepare the machine..
I hope when I return back, I will return back to my work stuff..
Good take care of yourself and have fun!!
Oya Şanlı
oh! I just remember I have a photo which was taken at Bodrum.. Let me find and share here again..
Here it is; me & my son..