I keep reaching my goals and be prepare to read my first book soon..
I studied GIS offered by the Open Education Faculty of Anadolu University, and graduated with 2 years degree in June 2021.
Using R I prepared Covid19 graphs for Turkey, and published them through my social media accounts.
Here is my blog's link : Oya's blog where I used Wordpress plugin at my website. I'm trying to keep up with same cathegories..
And some of my photos at my website: Oya's photos
My next goal is to re-arrange my web sites so I can write and store my photos. Some other goals related to IT and none IT are waiting blind at the moment. Internet with social media causes to higher the productivity.
Trying to understand what is going on on social media;
PayDeg; #PayDeg +PayDeg / Information Technologies community / PayDeg at Facebook / @paydg PayDeg Journals @oyasan
Roll Out Cloud; #RollOutCloud / +RollOUTCloud / RollOoutCloud blog / RollOutCloud video playlist / Roll Out Cloud Community / RollOutCloud at Facebook / @RollOutCloud
Cooking; #W830tr / +W8:30TR / W830TR community / W830TR blog / W8:30TR video playlist / #TeaTables / +TeaTables / #kahvezamani / kahvezamani community
Promenade; #promenade / +promenade / Promenade community / Promenade blog / Promenade video playlist
Everydayisflower; #everydayisflower Everydayisflower community
oyasfun; #oyasfun / oyasfun community
#gif Gif community
Painting, Crafts, For Math commnunites
As you may see I'm trying to create some brands. I believe I can also help people to do that. Many ideas can be combine and use. Mean time I realized I'm good at taking photos and writing too.
Attended Academic IT Conference, Antalya/Turkey and presented about Security&Cloud (January,2013) and its presentation; Cloud&Security_AB2013.pdf
Prepared an Youtube Channel Geek's Channel and recorded a few video about PayDeg's introduction. Now, trying to figure out how can I record my own lessons about Cloud Computing. I would like to combine many things together. And here is the link for Roll Out Cloud playlist..
My blogs : oyas-life.blogspot.com , rolloutcloud-conferences.blogspot.com , rolloutcloud.blogspot.com , all-about-computing.blogspot.com , smmandss.blogspot.com , oyasanli.typepad.com , oyasanli.wordpress.com
The videos will be reachable from my company's web site too http://paydeg.com/
Google profile : google.com/+OyaŞanlı
To support my training I also prepared a journal. I'm at the fifth issue at the moment.. First issue; http://paydeg.com/introduction.html it has five pages.. (you can move between pages with -->> at the bottom) First page is introduction page, about my training.
Second issue's first page is http://paydeg.com/introduction2.html third one is http://paydeg.com/CloudComputing.html about cloud computing, forth one is http://paydeg.com/ITManagement.html about IT management and Journal has six pages from the second issue..
I presented about Cloud Computing at Turkish IT Association - TBD Türkiye bilişim Derneği at 20th April 2012 -->> http://www.paydeg.com/PayDegEgitimleri.html
I was in a morning talk program called "Uyan Türkiye" - Cem Tv at 19th of April 2012 -->> http://www.cemtv.com.tr/programdetay/programdetay.asp?program=UYAN_TURKIYE
I presented a presentation about Cloud Computing at University İstanbul -->> http://enformatik.istanbul.edu.tr/tr/duyurular/2012/d12031201.html and here is the document for it; http://oyasanli.com/BulutlarinUzerindenBakis_IstanbulUni.pdf and their certificate; http://oyasanli.com/11042012_istuni.png
I was the featured guest at livestream "Let's talk about it" -->> http://www.gminteractive.com/live/
My training about Cloud Computing is ready, take a look at details -->> http://www.paydeg.com/PayDegTrainings.html
Attended PhoneCamp at Microsoft ( 2 days Windowsphone 7 traning) (February, 2012)
Attended Academic IT Conference, Uşak/Turkey and presented about Cloud Computing and comparison of clouds(February, 2012) - A view over the clouds
Lectured at Kadir Has University the selective course; An Introduction to Cloud Computing (ENG) (Fall 2011)
Attended Academic IT Conference, Malatya/Turkey and presented about Cloud Computing (February,2011) - Bulut Bilişim
Board Member, Chinese American Scholars Association, http://www.g-casa.com, July 2010 - present
“Cloud Computing”, Refereed Program of the E-Leader Conference at Zagreb, Croatia, (2011) ISSN 1935-4819
“Social Media Marketing”, Refereed Program of the E-Leader Conference at Zagreb, Croatia, (2011) ISSN 1935-4819 
Preparing lightning program about Cloud Computing Roll Out Cloud
Managing and Organizing CloudCamp Turkey blog.cloudcamp.org/turkey/cloudcamp.org/istanbulcloudcamp.org/ankara
Managed consulting Yeditepe Danışmanlık on their software implementation phase.
At E-Leader Budapest 2010 Conference my paper and my presentation about "Management issues in IT Management" will be posted in June 9, 2010. See the details at E-Leader. You may read my paper and view presentation 
Prepared Word for Lawyers course and gave that course to Fora Avukatlık Bürosu
Managed consulting DenizBank Kültür A.Ş on their Video archiving project.
Now, I am freelance trainer with Mct certificate, and a freelance consultant. I am using www.paydeg.com site for these purposes.
MCAS – May 2010 Using Word 2007
MCTS - April 2010 Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006
MCT - March 2010 Microsoft certified trainer
MCT Plus Train the Trainer March 2010
(www.oyasanli.com/si1.jpg, www.oyasanli.com/si2.jpg )
July 2007 Ax-30-206 Ms Axapta Installation & Configuration
August 2007 Ax-30-204 Ms Axapta Trade & Logistics
- Find solution for business problems
- Preparing to be a trainer
- Design web sites
While I was trying to find a solution to one of business problem, I faced to "Cloud Computing", and found very interesting. I translated a few article in to Turkish. It is published in Cio Club Magazine's November issue at page 47. to read.
My goal is to be a Microsoft Business Solutions Certified Master. To reach that goal, I passed ax-30-206 and ax-30-206 exams.
For the web page I designed for Aysan Sumercan, film and theater actress and dubbing, please 
For the web page I had designed for Mother and Baby Health Foundation (Anne ve Bebek Sağlığı Vakfı) please 
My Flash work 
I have translated Gestalt Laws of visual perception from http://coe.sdsu.edu/eet/Articles/visualperc1/start.htm to Turkish. to see the Turkish version.
to read about Typography in Turkish.
About Web Design in Turkish