My new words

Scorn – feel or express contempt or derision for, despise Insurgency – rebellion, riot It sounds as if smart, highly educated people will be scorned in the coming economy – but that is not necessarily the case. Success will come through ‘recognizing the physical, cognitive, and social influences on a civilian population targeted by an insurgency’. In…

My new words

Recidivism – Tendency of re-offending Parole – the release of a prisoner temporarily (for a special purpose) or permanently before the completion of a sentence, on the promise of good behavior. Capriciously – whimsy,freakish In light of the findings on predicting recidivism by SVP’s and other prisoners, it is virtually certain that computer analysis could judge parole applications…

My new words

Botch – Foozle, carry out (a task) badly or carelessly Curfew – a regulation requiring people to remain indoors between specified hours, typically at night. Scurry – (of a person or small animal) move hurriedly with short quick steps. Reams – sheaves Miss Watson and the rest of the research staff are indeed fired, but before they can clean…

My new words

Turnip – Cole-seed Dispassion –  detachment, objectivity, fairness  Clay just looked at him as if he’d fallen off the turnip truck – which, apart from an expression of mute dispassion, was the most frequent look he used on Luke in those days. In Turkish; Turnip – şalgam Dispassion – hislerine kapılmama; tarafsızlık, objektivite Clay sanki şalgam kamyondan…

My new words

Eel – a fish looks like snake Sinuous ribbon – to describe the eel which looks like ribbon moving like sinuous wave. Dart – to move or run somewhere suddenly or rapidly. Pluck – take off, pick. (pluck up courage)An eel – a black, sinuous ribbon – darted out, plucking up a crab before vanishing…