Waiting a bus

While waiting for the rapid bus, I saw a woman who was sitting on a bench and talking loud and having chips. I saw she had a few small chip bags and a bottle of Coke next to her. Just for a second she was like acting at theater. Yes, she was.. she was returning…

Talking loud

When I was in a bus towards Palo Alto this morning there was a man who was talking loud. First I thought he was talking to some one. Then I realized he was talking to air. At first stop he got out. And a woman saying ‘I am nervous because he is talking a loud’…


I am sitting at Caribou cafe on Bagdat Caddesi in Istanbul and having my Turkish coffee. It is a cold and dark October day, looks like it is going to rain. I did not sit outside since it is cold. Near to right corner of my table a young woman with long dark hair is trying…