My new words

 Skiff – flat-bottomed open boat Moor – Anchor, Harbour, make fast (a boat) by attaching it by cable or rope to the shore or to an anchor. Mildew – become moldy A few skiffs were moored at the end of the wharf, their rusted bottoms spread with mildewed nets. In Turkish: Skiff – yarış kayığı Moor – Demirlemek…

My new words

Exoskeleton – a rigid external skeleton which is covering for the body in some invertebrate animals, especially arthropods, providing both support and protection. Brittle – Fragile, thin, crunchy, hard but easily breakable, sensitive. Chitter –  Make a twittering or chattering sound.   Their exoskeletons made a brittle chitter.   In Turkish: Exoskeleton – Dış iskelet Brittle…