My new words

15 - 16pxlr1Eel – a fish looks like snake
Sinuous ribbon – to describe the eel which looks like ribbon moving like sinuous wave.
Dart – to move or run somewhere suddenly or rapidly.
Pluck – take off, pick. (pluck up courage)An eel – a black, sinuous ribbon – darted out, plucking up a crab before vanishing beneath the wharf.
In Turkish:
Eel – Yilan baligi
Sinuous ribbon – kivrimli kurdele, yilan baligini tarif etmek uzere kullanilmis
Dart – firlamak, cikivermek, bir yere aniden hizla hareket etmek
Pluck – cekmek, toplamak, koparmak (pluck up courage – cesaretini toplamak)Bir yılan balığı – siyah, kıvrımlı kurdele – iskele altında kaybolmadan önce yengeci yukarı cekip, dışarı fırladı.

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